Saturday, June 9, 2007

Enter The Mighty Scarab

Hey-O. I was asked to contribute to this blog because, as most of you know, a scarab is a dung beetle which makes me an expert on bullshit. I have also spent quite a bit of time around mummys, so I know a thing or two about administering medicine to the dead.

Now that we have established my credentials, let me tell you why I'm here.

It is my job to point out the bullshit that you may have missed during your busy day. I will be doing this in much the same way you would eat an elephant: one 'burger at a time.

Thanks for the invite Spoons. I won't let you down.


The Mighty Scarab.


Anonymous said...

Mighty, you're mighty welcome. Fang is planning to bring the ketchup and mustard and I'll bring the buns, onions and tomatoes for those burgers. Someone ELSE will have to supply the cheese, though. I hate that shit.

Fang said...

I didn't know you had the power to welcome people here, BIG ORANGE. I don't see your name on the list of contributors!

What have you done with 10k Spoons?!?

Fang said...

I'm into eating stupid, Might Scarab, but I don't know about bullshit. Will you add some garlic salt? That might help.

gennifer6 said...

I thought a Scarab was a speedboat...