Thursday, June 14, 2007

Better Tools To Deal With Stupidity

What better way to deal with idiots, knuckle-draggers, and morons than your very own set of brass knuckles with a 950,000 volt stun gun built right in! This baby packs a punch! Only $69.99 + shipping. Too high tech and expensive for your "fighting stupid" budget?
Then there is always this low tech solution. Only $18.99 + shipping.
The Mighty Scarab


Fang said...

One of each, please. And some napkins, to go.

don'tneedtoknow said...

There's a lot of stupid people. Are you sure you're going to have enough energy for all of that?

Anonymous said...

does the club come with a loop for your belt??

Mighty Scarab said...

Fang: Just in case, I ordered you two of each, as well as a case of lemon scented napkins. That should cover it.

B.O.: I totally understand. Fighting stupid requires a lanyard and a holster. I can provide those at no extra cost, but you have to come by for a custom fitting. We tailor to fit.

Mighty Scarab said...

Elizabeth: Yes, I do. All the energy I require is provided by two "D" batteries. See photo.

gennifer6 said...

I'm sure Jack Bauer already has the brassknuckle stungun, but we'll need to order one of those hand-dandy caveman clubs...thanks!

Cup said...

I have a meeting with a dumb-ass client tomorrow. Wonder what they charge for rush shipping?