Thursday, July 5, 2007

Visions from God Made Easy

Scarab made me think of this. I heard a story from a friend-- a distant religious cousin of hers inherited some $15,000 at her dead's death. sometime after the will was read her husband said that he had been kneeling in prayer when the Lord appeared to him in a vision.

"the Lord told me to quit my job and be a family man." That's what he said to his wife.

The lived off the $$$ until it ran out THEN he suddenly had another vision from the Lord telling him it was time to go back to work.

What exactly did he DO all during that time that he was supposed to be a family man?
He sat around playing video games.


don'tneedtoknow said...

If I was this wife, I am pretty sure that God would have told me to kick my husband to the curb.

Anonymous said...

funny how god didn't give him any advice on INVESTING that $$$ so it could make MORE money. After all, there's dozens of books on "making money the Biblical way".

gennifer6 said...

Does God tell him when it's potty-time too, or help him win the video game? Funny....

Hazel said...

that's a vision right there at the top!! Whoo!!